Simpáticos, written by professional astrologer, Bernie Ashman, provides profound insight into how the
relationship between two people will work. The report is divided into these sections:

The Playing Field

This introduction outlines a comprehensive approach to relationships and the kind of communication that
makes them work.

The Players

In this section of the report you will find in-depth analyses of the planets of the composite chart, including the
sign and house they occupy. You will also find descriptions of the composite Ascendant and part of fortune.
The "main players" are the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Part of Fortune. The "supporting cast" includes the
remaining planets and the Midheaven.

The Aspects

This section focuses on communication and negotiation, areas of harmony in the relationship, fusion of
energies, and potential areas of friction.

The Nodes of the Moon

Bernie Ashman says, "The Nodes – their celestial polarity – give clues to your connection on the soul level."
This somewhat unconscious connection emerges into awareness in relationships of longer duration.